
ये खामोशी तोड़ दो।

ये खामोशी तोड़ दो। ये चुप्पी छोड़ दो। बहुत देर हो चुकी.. अब तो सहना छोड़ दो। अब शोर करो। बहुत जोर से करो। सब कुछ है बस एक लड़ाई.. क्यों ना पहचाने अपनी परछाई.. सबसे मुँह मोड़ लो। बस अपना रास्ता ढूंढ लो। ये खामोशी तोड़ दो। ये चुप्पी छोड़ दो।

Health Benefits of Dalchini

Health Benefits of Cinnamon Cinnamon is feature rich Cinnamon, commonaly known as DalChini (or Dalcheeni) in Hindi has usually small plant but contrary to its size, it is blessed with rich feature. Dried leaves and bark are used as common ingredients of Garam Masala or even as part of normal spice. It's bark is generally little thick and light brown in nature. Cinnamon/DalChini does not only help us in loosing weight but also known for cure of many ailments if taken together with Honey, it helps in controlling heart related disease, cholesterol, skin problems, cough and cold including stomach related issues as well. It is also known as natural blood purifier. Let's see how does it help in specific scenarios : In controlling cough and cold DalChini/Cinnamon provides a quick relief in case of cough and cold that we catch during the change of weather or consuming excessive cold or freezed water during summer leading to leaking nose. If little bit of DalChini/Cinnamon powe...

Health Benefits of Salad

Health Benefits of Salad Salad is very common thing that we take on day to day basis, in different forms like either raw, or boiled or roasted. In our Country, It is prepared from fresh raw vegetable materials like cucumber, tomato, radish, beetroot, carrot and onion. Since the ingredients tend to be raw in nature and beside onion, many of them can be taken separately, hence it is not advisable to have Salad with main course of meal, but sadly today young generation does have minimal knowledge of our tradition. If you are eyeing on controlling the weight, have this in below prescribed way for optimum benefits. Eating Salad is very useful and have positive impact on our health, we all agree with this fact. Therefore, from fruits to vegetable and all sorts of sprouts are always in demand. However some people and specifically those great admirer of Salads are not able to provide optimum nutritional value of Salad to their health just because of the fact that they don't know ...

Loose Weight in Natural Manner with Home Remedies

Health Benefits of Ajwain : Ajwain, also known as carom seeds, has been used as natural herb for curing the ailments of stomach and digestion related problem for a long time. If one is looking to reduce the fat, it is advised to intake water in the morning which has remain immersed with Ajwain overnight. Fat/Fatty Lever/Obesity has been very common kind of problem. Almost everyone has sooner or later been impacted by this at-least once in a lifetime, be it after pregnancy or some other stage of life. Whereas some people choose Gym while some other chooses dieting in order to control the extra fat. But you will be surprised to know that home based remedies can help reduce the Obesity to a greater extent that too without wasting too much of time and sweat and Ajwain is one of the effective and tried and tested solution to curb this problem. It is available in almost all kitchen and it is full of medical advantage and health benefits. Ajwain not only provides relief from th...

Full form of Computer

What is a full form of Computer? C- Common/Commonly O- Oriented M- Machine P- Purposely/Particularly U- Used for T- Technical E- Education and R- Research

What things need to be taken care of during Chaitra ?

What is Chaitra/Chait/Choitro ? Chaitra is the first month  of the Hindu calendar. In the standard Hindu calendar and India's national civil calendar, It is the first month of the year. Chaitra or Chait is also the last month in the Nepali calendar (the Vikram Samvat), where it commences in mid-March It is the last month in the Bengali calendar, where it is called Choitro.  Take care of these thigns during Chaitra :  This year, i.e., 2020, It's started on 10th of March, It is not only marked as beginning of first month of new year, but from religious standpoint, it is regarded as auspicious and important. People says that It has been named Chaitra as it belongs to Chitra Nakshatra (Star). It is an end to Spring and beginning of Summer. We know that Hindu Culture and rituals have always shown the path of spirituality, the way we can lead our life and avoid lots of problem in day to day life.  Lets discuss some activities that are advised either to be ...

First Salary

पहली सैलरी मुझे आज भी याद है मेरी पहली सैलरी। मैं तब 20 साल की थी.. जब मुझे मेरी पहली सैलरी मिली। इससे पहले कि मेरी पहली सैलरी मिलती .. मुझे बहुत से लोगो ने बहुत कुछ कहा था.... कि तुम कभी जॉब नही कर सकती ... और भी बहुत कुछ ... उन्होंने ऐसा इसलिए कहा था क्यूंकि इससे पहले मैं  2 -3 जगह  3 -4  दिन काम कर के छोड़  चुकी थी। मैं उन जगह पे इसलिए नही टिक पाती क्यूंकि मुझे वहाँ  काम करने में मज़ा नहीं आता था  .... ऐसा लगता था कोई जबरदस्ती मुझे भेज रहा है ... और कहते है ना  कि जिस  किसी भी काम में आपका मन नहीं लगता आप उसमे ज्यादा दिन तक नही बने रह सकते. ... अंततह  मैं वो नौकरी छोड़ देती।  अब तो आलम ये था की मुझे जॉब करनी  थी ताकि जो लोग कहते थे की तुम काम नही कर सकती उन्हें जवाब देना था. . और ऐसा ही हुआ। .मुझे मेरी पसंद की जॉब मिली और मैंने ख़ुशी -ख़ुशी  वो जॉब ज्वाइन की और बहुत ही पाजिटिविटी  के साथ मैं  वहाँ  जाती। मुझे वहाँ इतना मज़ा आता की शाम को छुट्टी होने के बाद भी मैं  वहाँ  रूकती और काम करती थी वो भी अपने ...