Health Benefits of Salad Salad is very common thing that we take on day to day basis, in different forms like either raw, or boiled or roasted. In our Country, It is prepared from fresh raw vegetable materials like cucumber, tomato, radish, beetroot, carrot and onion. Since the ingredients tend to be raw in nature and beside onion, many of them can be taken separately, hence it is not advisable to have Salad with main course of meal, but sadly today young generation does have minimal knowledge of our tradition. If you are eyeing on controlling the weight, have this in below prescribed way for optimum benefits. Eating Salad is very useful and have positive impact on our health, we all agree with this fact. Therefore, from fruits to vegetable and all sorts of sprouts are always in demand. However some people and specifically those great admirer of Salads are not able to provide optimum nutritional value of Salad to their health just because of the fact that they don't know ...